java-37df95f1.js 4.8 KB

  1. import{g as $}from"./index-5ce5c06d.js";function o(p,s){for(var t=0;t<s.length;t++){const n=s[t];if(typeof n!="string"&&!Array.isArray(n)){for(const e in n)if(e!=="default"&&!(e in p)){const i=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n,e);i&&Object.defineProperty(p,e,i.get?i:{enumerable:!0,get:()=>n[e]})}}}return Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty(p,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}))}var r={exports:{}};(function(p,s){ace.define("ace/snippets/java.snippets",["require","exports","module"],function(t,n,e){e.exports=`## Access Modifiers
  2. snippet po
  3. protected
  4. snippet pu
  5. public
  6. snippet pr
  7. private
  8. ##
  9. ## Annotations
  10. snippet before
  11. @Before
  12. static void \${1:intercept}(\${2:args}) { \${3} }
  13. snippet mm
  14. @ManyToMany
  15. \${1}
  16. snippet mo
  17. @ManyToOne
  18. \${1}
  19. snippet om
  20. @OneToMany\${1:(cascade=CascadeType.ALL)}
  21. \${2}
  22. snippet oo
  23. @OneToOne
  24. \${1}
  25. ##
  26. ## Basic Java packages and import
  27. snippet im
  28. import
  29. snippet j.b
  30. java.beans.
  31. snippet j.i
  33. snippet j.m
  34. java.math.
  35. snippet j.n
  37. snippet j.u
  38. java.util.
  39. ##
  40. ## Class
  41. snippet cl
  42. class \${1:\`Filename("", "untitled")\`} \${2}
  43. snippet in
  44. interface \${1:\`Filename("", "untitled")\`} \${2:extends Parent}\${3}
  45. snippet tc
  46. public class \${1:\`Filename()\`} extends \${2:TestCase}
  47. ##
  48. ## Class Enhancements
  49. snippet ext
  50. extends
  51. snippet imp
  52. implements
  53. ##
  54. ## Comments
  55. snippet /*
  56. /*
  57. * \${1}
  58. */
  59. ##
  60. ## Constants
  61. snippet co
  62. static public final \${1:String} \${2:var} = \${3};\${4}
  63. snippet cos
  64. static public final String \${1:var} = "\${2}";\${3}
  65. ##
  66. ## Control Statements
  67. snippet case
  68. case \${1}:
  69. \${2}
  70. snippet def
  71. default:
  72. \${2}
  73. snippet el
  74. else
  75. snippet elif
  76. else if (\${1}) \${2}
  77. snippet if
  78. if (\${1}) \${2}
  79. snippet sw
  80. switch (\${1}) {
  81. \${2}
  82. }
  83. ##
  84. ## Create a Method
  85. snippet m
  86. \${1:void} \${2:method}(\${3}) \${4:throws }\${5}
  87. ##
  88. ## Create a Variable
  89. snippet v
  90. \${1:String} \${2:var}\${3: = null}\${4};\${5}
  91. ##
  92. ## Enhancements to Methods, variables, classes, etc.
  93. snippet ab
  94. abstract
  95. snippet fi
  96. final
  97. snippet st
  98. static
  99. snippet sy
  100. synchronized
  101. ##
  102. ## Error Methods
  103. snippet err
  104. System.err.print("\${1:Message}");
  105. snippet errf
  106. System.err.printf("\${1:Message}", \${2:exception});
  107. snippet errln
  108. System.err.println("\${1:Message}");
  109. ##
  110. ## Exception Handling
  111. snippet as
  112. assert \${1:test} : "\${2:Failure message}";\${3}
  113. snippet ca
  114. catch(\${1:Exception} \${2:e}) \${3}
  115. snippet thr
  116. throw
  117. snippet ths
  118. throws
  119. snippet try
  120. try {
  121. \${3}
  122. } catch(\${1:Exception} \${2:e}) {
  123. }
  124. snippet tryf
  125. try {
  126. \${3}
  127. } catch(\${1:Exception} \${2:e}) {
  128. } finally {
  129. }
  130. ##
  131. ## Find Methods
  132. snippet findall
  133. List<\${1:listName}> \${2:items} = \${1}.findAll();\${3}
  134. snippet findbyid
  135. \${1:var} \${2:item} = \${1}.findById(\${3});\${4}
  136. ##
  137. ## Javadocs
  138. snippet /**
  139. /**
  140. * \${1}
  141. */
  142. snippet @au
  143. @author \`system("grep \\\`id -un\\\` /etc/passwd | cut -d \\":\\" -f5 | cut -d \\",\\" -f1")\`
  144. snippet @br
  145. @brief \${1:Description}
  146. snippet @fi
  147. @file \${1:\`Filename()\`}.java
  148. snippet @pa
  149. @param \${1:param}
  150. snippet @re
  151. @return \${1:param}
  152. ##
  153. ## Logger Methods
  154. snippet debug
  155. Logger.debug(\${1:param});\${2}
  156. snippet error
  157. Logger.error(\${1:param});\${2}
  158. snippet info
  160. snippet warn
  161. Logger.warn(\${1:param});\${2}
  162. ##
  163. ## Loops
  164. snippet enfor
  165. for (\${1} : \${2}) \${3}
  166. snippet for
  167. for (\${1}; \${2}; \${3}) \${4}
  168. snippet wh
  169. while (\${1}) \${2}
  170. ##
  171. ## Main method
  172. snippet main
  173. public static void main (String[] args) {
  174. \${1:/* code */}
  175. }
  176. ##
  177. ## Print Methods
  178. snippet print
  179. System.out.print("\${1:Message}");
  180. snippet printf
  181. System.out.printf("\${1:Message}", \${2:args});
  182. snippet println
  183. System.out.println(\${1});
  184. ##
  185. ## Render Methods
  186. snippet ren
  187. render(\${1:param});\${2}
  188. snippet rena
  189. renderArgs.put("\${1}", \${2});\${3}
  190. snippet renb
  191. renderBinary(\${1:param});\${2}
  192. snippet renj
  193. renderJSON(\${1:param});\${2}
  194. snippet renx
  195. renderXml(\${1:param});\${2}
  196. ##
  197. ## Setter and Getter Methods
  198. snippet set
  199. \${1:public} void set\${3:}(\${2:String} \${4:}){
  200. this.$4 = $4;
  201. }
  202. snippet get
  203. \${1:public} \${2:String} get\${3:}(){
  204. return this.\${4:};
  205. }
  206. ##
  207. ## Terminate Methods or Loops
  208. snippet re
  209. return
  210. snippet br
  211. break;
  212. ##
  213. ## Test Methods
  214. snippet t
  215. public void test\${1:Name}() throws Exception {
  216. \${2}
  217. }
  218. snippet test
  219. @Test
  220. public void test\${1:Name}() throws Exception {
  221. \${2}
  222. }
  223. ##
  224. ## Utils
  225. snippet Sc
  226. Scanner
  227. ##
  228. ## Miscellaneous
  229. snippet action
  230. public static void \${1:index}(\${2:args}) { \${3} }
  231. snippet rnf
  232. notFound(\${1:param});\${2}
  233. snippet rnfin
  234. notFoundIfNull(\${1:param});\${2}
  235. snippet rr
  236. redirect(\${1:param});\${2}
  237. snippet ru
  238. unauthorized(\${1:param});\${2}
  239. snippet unless
  240. (unless=\${1:param});\${2}
  241. `}),ace.define("ace/snippets/java",["require","exports","module","ace/snippets/java.snippets"],function(t,n,e){n.snippetText=t("./java.snippets"),n.scope="java"}),function(){ace.require(["ace/snippets/java"],function(t){p&&(p.exports=t)})}()})(r);var a=r.exports;const c=$(a),d=o({__proto__:null,default:c},[a]);export{d as j};