123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242 |
- import{g as $}from"./index-693c203b.js";function o(p,s){for(var t=0;t<s.length;t++){const n=s[t];if(typeof n!="string"&&!Array.isArray(n)){for(const e in n)if(e!=="default"&&!(e in p)){const i=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n,e);i&&Object.defineProperty(p,e,i.get?i:{enumerable:!0,get:()=>n[e]})}}}return Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty(p,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}))}var r={exports:{}};(function(p,s){ace.define("ace/snippets/java.snippets",["require","exports","module"],function(t,n,e){e.exports=`## Access Modifiers
- snippet po
- protected
- snippet pu
- public
- snippet pr
- private
- ##
- ## Annotations
- snippet before
- @Before
- static void \${1:intercept}(\${2:args}) { \${3} }
- snippet mm
- @ManyToMany
- \${1}
- snippet mo
- @ManyToOne
- \${1}
- snippet om
- @OneToMany\${1:(cascade=CascadeType.ALL)}
- \${2}
- snippet oo
- @OneToOne
- \${1}
- ##
- ## Basic Java packages and import
- snippet im
- import
- snippet j.b
- java.beans.
- snippet j.i
- java.io.
- snippet j.m
- java.math.
- snippet j.n
- java.net.
- snippet j.u
- java.util.
- ##
- ## Class
- snippet cl
- class \${1:\`Filename("", "untitled")\`} \${2}
- snippet in
- interface \${1:\`Filename("", "untitled")\`} \${2:extends Parent}\${3}
- snippet tc
- public class \${1:\`Filename()\`} extends \${2:TestCase}
- ##
- ## Class Enhancements
- snippet ext
- extends
- snippet imp
- implements
- ##
- ## Comments
- snippet /*
- /*
- * \${1}
- */
- ##
- ## Constants
- snippet co
- static public final \${1:String} \${2:var} = \${3};\${4}
- snippet cos
- static public final String \${1:var} = "\${2}";\${3}
- ##
- ## Control Statements
- snippet case
- case \${1}:
- \${2}
- snippet def
- default:
- \${2}
- snippet el
- else
- snippet elif
- else if (\${1}) \${2}
- snippet if
- if (\${1}) \${2}
- snippet sw
- switch (\${1}) {
- \${2}
- }
- ##
- ## Create a Method
- snippet m
- \${1:void} \${2:method}(\${3}) \${4:throws }\${5}
- ##
- ## Create a Variable
- snippet v
- \${1:String} \${2:var}\${3: = null}\${4};\${5}
- ##
- ## Enhancements to Methods, variables, classes, etc.
- snippet ab
- abstract
- snippet fi
- final
- snippet st
- static
- snippet sy
- synchronized
- ##
- ## Error Methods
- snippet err
- System.err.print("\${1:Message}");
- snippet errf
- System.err.printf("\${1:Message}", \${2:exception});
- snippet errln
- System.err.println("\${1:Message}");
- ##
- ## Exception Handling
- snippet as
- assert \${1:test} : "\${2:Failure message}";\${3}
- snippet ca
- catch(\${1:Exception} \${2:e}) \${3}
- snippet thr
- throw
- snippet ths
- throws
- snippet try
- try {
- \${3}
- } catch(\${1:Exception} \${2:e}) {
- }
- snippet tryf
- try {
- \${3}
- } catch(\${1:Exception} \${2:e}) {
- } finally {
- }
- ##
- ## Find Methods
- snippet findall
- List<\${1:listName}> \${2:items} = \${1}.findAll();\${3}
- snippet findbyid
- \${1:var} \${2:item} = \${1}.findById(\${3});\${4}
- ##
- ## Javadocs
- snippet /**
- /**
- * \${1}
- */
- snippet @au
- @author \`system("grep \\\`id -un\\\` /etc/passwd | cut -d \\":\\" -f5 | cut -d \\",\\" -f1")\`
- snippet @br
- @brief \${1:Description}
- snippet @fi
- @file \${1:\`Filename()\`}.java
- snippet @pa
- @param \${1:param}
- snippet @re
- @return \${1:param}
- ##
- ## Logger Methods
- snippet debug
- Logger.debug(\${1:param});\${2}
- snippet error
- Logger.error(\${1:param});\${2}
- snippet info
- Logger.info(\${1:param});\${2}
- snippet warn
- Logger.warn(\${1:param});\${2}
- ##
- ## Loops
- snippet enfor
- for (\${1} : \${2}) \${3}
- snippet for
- for (\${1}; \${2}; \${3}) \${4}
- snippet wh
- while (\${1}) \${2}
- ##
- ## Main method
- snippet main
- public static void main (String[] args) {
- \${1:/* code */}
- }
- ##
- ## Print Methods
- snippet print
- System.out.print("\${1:Message}");
- snippet printf
- System.out.printf("\${1:Message}", \${2:args});
- snippet println
- System.out.println(\${1});
- ##
- ## Render Methods
- snippet ren
- render(\${1:param});\${2}
- snippet rena
- renderArgs.put("\${1}", \${2});\${3}
- snippet renb
- renderBinary(\${1:param});\${2}
- snippet renj
- renderJSON(\${1:param});\${2}
- snippet renx
- renderXml(\${1:param});\${2}
- ##
- ## Setter and Getter Methods
- snippet set
- \${1:public} void set\${3:}(\${2:String} \${4:}){
- this.$4 = $4;
- }
- snippet get
- \${1:public} \${2:String} get\${3:}(){
- return this.\${4:};
- }
- ##
- ## Terminate Methods or Loops
- snippet re
- return
- snippet br
- break;
- ##
- ## Test Methods
- snippet t
- public void test\${1:Name}() throws Exception {
- \${2}
- }
- snippet test
- @Test
- public void test\${1:Name}() throws Exception {
- \${2}
- }
- ##
- ## Utils
- snippet Sc
- Scanner
- ##
- ## Miscellaneous
- snippet action
- public static void \${1:index}(\${2:args}) { \${3} }
- snippet rnf
- notFound(\${1:param});\${2}
- snippet rnfin
- notFoundIfNull(\${1:param});\${2}
- snippet rr
- redirect(\${1:param});\${2}
- snippet ru
- unauthorized(\${1:param});\${2}
- snippet unless
- (unless=\${1:param});\${2}
- `}),ace.define("ace/snippets/java",["require","exports","module","ace/snippets/java.snippets"],function(t,n,e){n.snippetText=t("./java.snippets"),n.scope="java"}),function(){ace.require(["ace/snippets/java"],function(t){p&&(p.exports=t)})}()})(r);var a=r.exports;const c=$(a),d=o({__proto__:null,default:c},[a]);export{d as j};