markdown-c1e96fb6.js 2.6 KB

  1. import{g as l}from"./index-b2e76ed2.js";function $(o,p){for(var e=0;e<p.length;e++){const t=p[e];if(typeof t!="string"&&!Array.isArray(t)){for(const n in t)if(n!=="default"&&!(n in o)){const i=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t,n);i&&Object.defineProperty(o,n,i.get?i:{enumerable:!0,get:()=>t[n]})}}}return Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty(o,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}))}var s={exports:{}};(function(o,p){ace.define("ace/snippets/markdown.snippets",["require","exports","module"],function(e,t,n){n.exports=`# Markdown
  2. # Includes octopress ( snippets
  3. snippet [
  4. [\${1:text}](http://\${2:address} "\${3:title}")
  5. snippet [*
  6. [\${1:link}](\${2:\`@*\`} "\${3:title}")\${4}
  7. snippet [:
  8. [\${1:id}]: http://\${2:url} "\${3:title}"
  9. snippet [:*
  10. [\${1:id}]: \${2:\`@*\`} "\${3:title}"
  11. snippet ![
  12. ![\${1:alttext}](\${2:/images/image.jpg} "\${3:title}")
  13. snippet ![*
  14. ![\${1:alt}](\${2:\`@*\`} "\${3:title}")\${4}
  15. snippet ![:
  16. ![\${1:id}]: \${2:url} "\${3:title}"
  17. snippet ![:*
  18. ![\${1:id}]: \${2:\`@*\`} "\${3:title}"
  19. snippet ===
  20. regex /^/=+/=*//
  21. \${PREV_LINE/./=/g}
  22. \${0}
  23. snippet ---
  24. regex /^/-+/-*//
  25. \${PREV_LINE/./-/g}
  26. \${0}
  27. snippet blockquote
  28. {% blockquote %}
  29. \${1:quote}
  30. {% endblockquote %}
  31. snippet blockquote-author
  32. {% blockquote \${1:author}, \${2:title} %}
  33. \${3:quote}
  34. {% endblockquote %}
  35. snippet blockquote-link
  36. {% blockquote \${1:author} \${2:URL} \${3:link_text} %}
  37. \${4:quote}
  38. {% endblockquote %}
  39. snippet bt-codeblock-short
  40. \`\`\`
  41. \${1:code_snippet}
  42. \`\`\`
  43. snippet bt-codeblock-full
  44. \`\`\` \${1:language} \${2:title} \${3:URL} \${4:link_text}
  45. \${5:code_snippet}
  46. \`\`\`
  47. snippet codeblock-short
  48. {% codeblock %}
  49. \${1:code_snippet}
  50. {% endcodeblock %}
  51. snippet codeblock-full
  52. {% codeblock \${1:title} lang:\${2:language} \${3:URL} \${4:link_text} %}
  53. \${5:code_snippet}
  54. {% endcodeblock %}
  55. snippet gist-full
  56. {% gist \${1:gist_id} \${2:filename} %}
  57. snippet gist-short
  58. {% gist \${1:gist_id} %}
  59. snippet img
  60. {% img \${1:class} \${2:URL} \${3:width} \${4:height} \${5:title_text} \${6:alt_text} %}
  61. snippet youtube
  62. {% youtube \${1:video_id} %}
  63. # The quote should appear only once in the text. It is inherently part of it.
  64. # See for more info.
  65. snippet pullquote
  66. {% pullquote %}
  67. \${1:text} {" \${2:quote} "} \${3:text}
  68. {% endpullquote %}
  69. `}),ace.define("ace/snippets/markdown",["require","exports","module","ace/snippets/markdown.snippets"],function(e,t,n){t.snippetText=e("./markdown.snippets"),t.scope="markdown"}),function(){ace.require(["ace/snippets/markdown"],function(e){o&&(o.exports=e)})}()})(s);var r=s.exports;const c=l(r),d=$({__proto__:null,default:c},[r]);export{d as m};