@@ -536,21 +536,45 @@ export function Chat(props: {
- const onResend = (botIndex: number) => {
+ const findLastUesrIndex = (messageId: number) => {
// find last user input message and resend
- for (let i = botIndex; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
- if (messages[i].role === "user") {
- setIsLoading(true);
- chatStore
- .onUserInput(messages[i].content)
- .then(() => setIsLoading(false));
- chatStore.updateCurrentSession((session) =>
- session.messages.splice(i, 2),
- );
- inputRef.current?.focus();
- return;
+ let lastUserMessageIndex: number | null = null;
+ for (let i = 0; i < session.messages.length; i += 1) {
+ const message = session.messages[i];
+ if (message.id === messageId) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (message.role === "user") {
+ lastUserMessageIndex = i;
+ return lastUserMessageIndex;
+ };
+ const deleteMessage = (userIndex: number) => {
+ chatStore.updateCurrentSession((session) =>
+ session.messages.splice(userIndex, 2),
+ );
+ };
+ const onDelete = (botMessageId: number) => {
+ const userIndex = findLastUesrIndex(botMessageId);
+ if (userIndex === null) return;
+ deleteMessage(userIndex);
+ };
+ const onResend = (botMessageId: number) => {
+ // find last user input message and resend
+ const userIndex = findLastUesrIndex(botMessageId);
+ if (userIndex === null) return;
+ setIsLoading(true);
+ chatStore
+ .onUserInput(session.messages[userIndex].content)
+ .then(() => setIsLoading(false));
+ deleteMessage(userIndex);
+ inputRef.current?.focus();
const config = useChatStore((state) => state.config);
@@ -722,12 +746,20 @@ export function Chat(props: {
) : (
- <div
- className={styles["chat-message-top-action"]}
- onClick={() => onResend(i)}
- >
- {Locale.Chat.Actions.Retry}
- </div>
+ <>
+ <div
+ className={styles["chat-message-top-action"]}
+ onClick={() => onDelete(message.id ?? i)}
+ >
+ {Locale.Chat.Actions.Delete}
+ </div>
+ <div
+ className={styles["chat-message-top-action"]}
+ onClick={() => onResend(message.id ?? i)}
+ >
+ {Locale.Chat.Actions.Retry}
+ </div>
+ </>