@@ -17,6 +17,15 @@ One-Click to deploy your own ChatGPT web UI.
+## 重要说明 Attention
+本项目的演示地址所用的 OpenAI 账户的免费额度将于 2023-04-01 过期,届时将无法通过演示地址在线体验。
+如果你想贡献出自己的 API Key,可以通过作者主页的邮箱发送给作者,并标注过期时间,在此提前感谢!
+The free trial of the OpenAI account used by the demo will expire on April 1, 2023, and the demo will not be available at that time.
+If you would like to contribute your API key, you can email it to the author and indicate the expiration date of the API key. Thank you in advance!
## 主要功能
- 在 1 分钟内使用 Vercel **免费一键部署**