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merge update

Gan-Xing 1 year ago

+ 0 - 4

@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env sh
-. "$(dirname -- "$0")/_/"
-npx lint-staged

+ 4 - 4

@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ One-Click to deploy well-designed ChatGPT web UI on Vercel.
 [演示]( / [反馈]( / [QQ 群]( / [打赏开发者](
-[![Deploy with Vercel](](
+[![Deploy with Vercel](](
 [![Open in Gitpod](](
@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ One-Click to deploy well-designed ChatGPT web UI on Vercel.
 - New in v2: create, share and debug your chat tools with prompt templates (mask)
 - Awesome prompts powered by [awesome-chatgpt-prompts-zh]( and [awesome-chatgpt-prompts](
 - Automatically compresses chat history to support long conversations while also saving your tokens
-- I18n: English, 简体中文, 繁体中文, 日本語, Español, Italiano, Türkçe, Deutsch
+- I18n: English, 简体中文, 繁体中文, 日本語, Español, Italiano, Türkçe, Deutsch, Tiếng Việt, Русский, Čeština
 ## Roadmap
@@ -63,7 +62,7 @@ One-Click to deploy well-designed ChatGPT web UI on Vercel.
 - 预制角色功能(面具),方便地创建、分享和调试你的个性化对话
 - 海量的内置 prompt 列表,来自[中文](和[英文](
 - 自动压缩上下文聊天记录,在节省 Token 的同时支持超长对话
-- 多国语言支持:English, 简体中文, 繁体中文, 日本語, Français, Español, Italiano, Türkçe, Deutsch
+- 多国语言支持:English, 简体中文, 繁体中文, 日本語, Français, Español, Italiano, Türkçe, Deutsch, Tiếng Việt, Русский, Čeština
 - 拥有自己的域名?好上加好,绑定后即可在任何地方**无障碍**快速访问
 ## 开发计划
@@ -266,6 +265,7 @@ bash <(curl -s
 ### Contributor

+ 2 - 3

@@ -43,8 +43,7 @@ export function auth(req: NextRequest) {
   if (serverConfig.needCode && ! && !token) {
     return {
       error: true,
-      needAccessCode: true,
-      msg: "Please go settings page and fill your access code.",
+      msg: !accessCode ? "empty access code" : "wrong access code",
@@ -58,7 +57,7 @@ export function auth(req: NextRequest) {
       console.log("[Auth] admin did not provide an api key");
       return {
         error: true,
-        msg: "Empty Api Key",
+        msg: "admin did not provide an api key",
   } else {

+ 3 - 74

@@ -1,49 +1,8 @@
-import { createParser } from "eventsource-parser";
+import { prettyObject } from "@/app/utils/format";
 import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server";
 import { auth } from "../../auth";
 import { requestOpenai } from "../../common";
-async function createStream(res: Response) {
-  const encoder = new TextEncoder();
-  const decoder = new TextDecoder();
-  const stream = new ReadableStream({
-    async start(controller) {
-      function onParse(event: any) {
-        if (event.type === "event") {
-          const data =;
-          //
-          if (data === "[DONE]") {
-            controller.close();
-            return;
-          }
-          try {
-            const json = JSON.parse(data);
-            const text = json.choices[0].delta.content;
-            const queue = encoder.encode(text);
-            controller.enqueue(queue);
-          } catch (e) {
-            controller.error(e);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      const parser = createParser(onParse);
-      for await (const chunk of res.body as any) {
-        parser.feed(decoder.decode(chunk, { stream: true }));
-      }
-    },
-  });
-  return stream;
-function formatResponse(msg: any) {
-  const jsonMsg = ["```json\n", JSON.stringify(msg, null, "  "), "\n```"].join(
-    "",
-  );
-  return new Response(jsonMsg);
 async function handle(
   req: NextRequest,
   { params }: { params: { path: string[] } },
@@ -58,40 +17,10 @@ async function handle(
   try {
-    const api = await requestOpenai(req);
-    const contentType = api.headers.get("Content-Type") ?? "";
-    // streaming response
-    if (contentType.includes("stream")) {
-      const stream = await createStream(api);
-      const res = new Response(stream);
-      res.headers.set("Content-Type", contentType);
-      return res;
-    }
-    // try to parse error msg
-    try {
-      const mayBeErrorBody = await api.json();
-      if (mayBeErrorBody.error) {
-        console.error("[OpenAI Response] ", mayBeErrorBody);
-        return formatResponse(mayBeErrorBody);
-      } else {
-        const res = new Response(JSON.stringify(mayBeErrorBody));
-        res.headers.set("Content-Type", "application/json");
-        res.headers.set("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
-        return res;
-      }
-    } catch (e) {
-      console.error("[OpenAI Parse] ", e);
-      return formatResponse({
-        msg: "invalid response from openai server",
-        error: e,
-      });
-    }
+    return await requestOpenai(req);
   } catch (e) {
     console.error("[OpenAI] ", e);
-    return formatResponse(e);
+    return NextResponse.json(prettyObject(e));

+ 0 - 9

@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-import type {
-  CreateChatCompletionRequest,
-  CreateChatCompletionResponse,
-} from "openai";
-export type ChatRequest = CreateChatCompletionRequest;
-export type ChatResponse = CreateChatCompletionResponse;
-export type Updater<T> = (updater: (value: T) => void) => void;

+ 83 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+import { ACCESS_CODE_PREFIX } from "../constant";
+import { ModelConfig, ModelType, useAccessStore } from "../store";
+import { ChatGPTApi } from "./platforms/openai";
+export const ROLES = ["system", "user", "assistant"] as const;
+export type MessageRole = (typeof ROLES)[number];
+export const Models = ["gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-4"] as const;
+export type ChatModel = ModelType;
+export interface RequestMessage {
+  role: MessageRole;
+  content: string;
+export interface LLMConfig {
+  model: string;
+  temperature?: number;
+  top_p?: number;
+  stream?: boolean;
+  presence_penalty?: number;
+  frequency_penalty?: number;
+export interface ChatOptions {
+  messages: RequestMessage[];
+  config: LLMConfig;
+  onUpdate?: (message: string, chunk: string) => void;
+  onFinish: (message: string) => void;
+  onError?: (err: Error) => void;
+  onController?: (controller: AbortController) => void;
+export interface LLMUsage {
+  used: number;
+  total: number;
+export abstract class LLMApi {
+  abstract chat(options: ChatOptions): Promise<void>;
+  abstract usage(): Promise<LLMUsage>;
+export class ClientApi {
+  public llm: LLMApi;
+  constructor() {
+    this.llm = new ChatGPTApi();
+  }
+  config() {}
+  prompts() {}
+  masks() {}
+export const api = new ClientApi();
+export function getHeaders() {
+  const accessStore = useAccessStore.getState();
+  let headers: Record<string, string> = {
+    "Content-Type": "application/json",
+  };
+  const makeBearer = (token: string) => `Bearer ${token.trim()}`;
+  const validString = (x: string) => x && x.length > 0;
+  // use user's api key first
+  if (validString(accessStore.token)) {
+    headers.Authorization = makeBearer(accessStore.token);
+  } else if (
+    accessStore.enabledAccessControl() &&
+    validString(accessStore.accessCode)
+  ) {
+    headers.Authorization = makeBearer(
+      ACCESS_CODE_PREFIX + accessStore.accessCode,
+    );
+  }
+  return headers;

+ 37 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// To store message streaming controller
+export const ChatControllerPool = {
+  controllers: {} as Record<string, AbortController>,
+  addController(
+    sessionIndex: number,
+    messageId: number,
+    controller: AbortController,
+  ) {
+    const key = this.key(sessionIndex, messageId);
+    this.controllers[key] = controller;
+    return key;
+  },
+  stop(sessionIndex: number, messageId: number) {
+    const key = this.key(sessionIndex, messageId);
+    const controller = this.controllers[key];
+    controller?.abort();
+  },
+  stopAll() {
+    Object.values(this.controllers).forEach((v) => v.abort());
+  },
+  hasPending() {
+    return Object.values(this.controllers).length > 0;
+  },
+  remove(sessionIndex: number, messageId: number) {
+    const key = this.key(sessionIndex, messageId);
+    delete this.controllers[key];
+  },
+  key(sessionIndex: number, messageIndex: number) {
+    return `${sessionIndex},${messageIndex}`;
+  },

+ 194 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+import { REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS } from "@/app/constant";
+import { useAccessStore, useAppConfig, useChatStore } from "@/app/store";
+import { ChatOptions, getHeaders, LLMApi, LLMUsage } from "../api";
+import Locale from "../../locales";
+import { fetchEventSource } from "@microsoft/fetch-event-source";
+import { prettyObject } from "@/app/utils/format";
+export class ChatGPTApi implements LLMApi {
+  public ChatPath = "v1/chat/completions";
+  public UsagePath = "dashboard/billing/usage";
+  public SubsPath = "dashboard/billing/subscription";
+  path(path: string): string {
+    let openaiUrl = useAccessStore.getState().openaiUrl;
+    if (openaiUrl.endsWith("/")) {
+      openaiUrl = openaiUrl.slice(0, openaiUrl.length - 1);
+    }
+    return [openaiUrl, path].join("/");
+  }
+  extractMessage(res: any) {
+    return res.choices?.at(0)?.message?.content ?? "";
+  }
+  async chat(options: ChatOptions) {
+    const messages = => ({
+      role: v.role,
+      content: v.content,
+    }));
+    const modelConfig = {
+      ...useAppConfig.getState().modelConfig,
+      ...useChatStore.getState().currentSession().mask.modelConfig,
+      ...{
+        model: options.config.model,
+      },
+    };
+    const requestPayload = {
+      messages,
+      stream:,
+      model: modelConfig.model,
+      temperature: modelConfig.temperature,
+      presence_penalty: modelConfig.presence_penalty,
+    };
+    console.log("[Request] openai payload: ", requestPayload);
+    const shouldStream = !!;
+    const controller = new AbortController();
+    options.onController?.(controller);
+    try {
+      const chatPath = this.path(this.ChatPath);
+      const chatPayload = {
+        method: "POST",
+        body: JSON.stringify(requestPayload),
+        signal: controller.signal,
+        headers: getHeaders(),
+      };
+      // make a fetch request
+      const reqestTimeoutId = setTimeout(
+        () => controller.abort(),
+      );
+      if (shouldStream) {
+        let responseText = "";
+        const finish = () => {
+          options.onFinish(responseText);
+        };
+        controller.signal.onabort = finish;
+        fetchEventSource(chatPath, {
+          ...chatPayload,
+          async onopen(res) {
+            clearTimeout(reqestTimeoutId);
+            if (res.status === 401) {
+              let extraInfo = { error: undefined };
+              try {
+                extraInfo = await res.clone().json();
+              } catch {}
+              responseText += "\n\n" + Locale.Error.Unauthorized;
+              if (extraInfo.error) {
+                responseText += "\n\n" + prettyObject(extraInfo);
+              }
+              return finish();
+            }
+          },
+          onmessage(msg) {
+            if ( === "[DONE]") {
+              return finish();
+            }
+            const text =;
+            try {
+              const json = JSON.parse(text);
+              const delta = json.choices[0].delta.content;
+              if (delta) {
+                responseText += delta;
+                options.onUpdate?.(responseText, delta);
+              }
+            } catch (e) {
+              console.error("[Request] parse error", text, msg);
+            }
+          },
+          onclose() {
+            finish();
+          },
+          onerror(e) {
+            options.onError?.(e);
+          },
+        });
+      } else {
+        const res = await fetch(chatPath, chatPayload);
+        clearTimeout(reqestTimeoutId);
+        const resJson = await res.json();
+        const message = this.extractMessage(resJson);
+        options.onFinish(message);
+      }
+    } catch (e) {
+      console.log("[Request] failed to make a chat reqeust", e);
+      options.onError?.(e as Error);
+    }
+  }
+  async usage() {
+    const formatDate = (d: Date) =>
+      `${d.getFullYear()}-${(d.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, "0")}-${d
+        .getDate()
+        .toString()
+        .padStart(2, "0")}`;
+    const ONE_DAY = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
+    const now = new Date();
+    const startOfMonth = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), 1);
+    const startDate = formatDate(startOfMonth);
+    const endDate = formatDate(new Date( + ONE_DAY));
+    const [used, subs] = await Promise.all([
+      fetch(
+        this.path(
+          `${this.UsagePath}?start_date=${startDate}&end_date=${endDate}`,
+        ),
+        {
+          method: "GET",
+          headers: getHeaders(),
+        },
+      ),
+      fetch(this.path(this.SubsPath), {
+        method: "GET",
+        headers: getHeaders(),
+      }),
+    ]);
+    if (!used.ok || !subs.ok || used.status === 401) {
+      throw new Error(Locale.Error.Unauthorized);
+    }
+    const response = (await used.json()) as {
+      total_usage?: number;
+      error?: {
+        type: string;
+        message: string;
+      };
+    };
+    const total = (await subs.json()) as {
+      hard_limit_usd?: number;
+    };
+    if (response.error && response.error.type) {
+      throw Error(response.error.message);
+    }
+    if (response.total_usage) {
+      response.total_usage = Math.round(response.total_usage) / 100;
+    }
+    if (total.hard_limit_usd) {
+      total.hard_limit_usd = Math.round(total.hard_limit_usd * 100) / 100;
+    }
+    return {
+      used: response.total_usage,
+      total: total.hard_limit_usd,
+    } as LLMUsage;
+  }

+ 13 - 1

@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import { Link, useNavigate } from "react-router-dom";
 import { Path } from "../constant";
 import { MaskAvatar } from "./mask";
 import { Mask } from "../store/mask";
+import { useRef, useEffect } from "react";
 export function ChatItem(props: {
   onClick?: () => void;
@@ -29,6 +30,14 @@ export function ChatItem(props: {
   narrow?: boolean;
   mask: Mask;
 }) {
+  const draggableRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null);
+  useEffect(() => {
+    if (props.selected && draggableRef.current) {
+      draggableRef.current?.scrollIntoView({
+        block: "center",
+      });
+    }
+  }, [props.selected]);
   return (
     <Draggable draggableId={`${}`} index={props.index}>
       {(provided) => (
@@ -37,7 +46,10 @@ export function ChatItem(props: {
             props.selected && styles["chat-item-selected"]
-          ref={provided.innerRef}
+          ref={(ele) => {
+            draggableRef.current = ele;
+            provided.innerRef(ele);
+          }}

+ 8 - 8

@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import BottomIcon from "../icons/bottom.svg";
 import StopIcon from "../icons/pause.svg";
 import {
-  Message,
+  ChatMessage,
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ import {
 import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
-import { ControllerPool } from "../requests";
+import { ChatControllerPool } from "../client/controller";
 import { Prompt, usePromptStore } from "../store/prompt";
 import Locale from "../locales";
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ const Markdown = dynamic(async () => (await import("./markdown")).Markdown, {
   loading: () => <LoadingIcon />,
-function exportMessages(messages: Message[], topic: string) {
+function exportMessages(messages: ChatMessage[], topic: string) {
   const mdText =
     `# ${topic}\n\n` +
@@ -331,8 +331,8 @@ export function ChatActions(props: {
   // stop all responses
-  const couldStop = ControllerPool.hasPending();
-  const stopAll = () => ControllerPool.stopAll();
+  const couldStop = ChatControllerPool.hasPending();
+  const stopAll = () => ChatControllerPool.stopAll();
   return (
     <div className={chatStyle["chat-input-actions"]}>
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ export function ChatActions(props: {
 export function Chat() {
-  type RenderMessage = Message & { preview?: boolean };
+  type RenderMessage = ChatMessage & { preview?: boolean };
   const chatStore = useChatStore();
   const [session, sessionIndex] = useChatStore((state) => [
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ export function Chat() {
   // stop response
   const onUserStop = (messageId: number) => {
-    ControllerPool.stop(sessionIndex, messageId);
+    ChatControllerPool.stop(sessionIndex, messageId);
   // check if should send message
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ export function Chat() {
-  const onRightClick = (e: any, message: Message) => {
+  const onRightClick = (e: any, message: ChatMessage) => {
     // copy to clipboard
     if (selectOrCopy(e.currentTarget, message.content)) {

+ 2 - 2

@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
 .chat-item-delete {
   position: absolute;
   top: 10px;
-  right: -20px;
+  right: 0;
   transition: all ease 0.3s;
   opacity: 0;
   cursor: pointer;
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
 .chat-item:hover > .chat-item-delete {
   opacity: 0.5;
-  right: 10px;
+  transform: translateX(-10px);
 .chat-item:hover > .chat-item-delete:hover {

+ 15 - 4

@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import {
 } from "react-router-dom";
 import { SideBar } from "./sidebar";
 import { useAppConfig } from "../store/config";
-import { useMaskStore } from "../store/mask";
 export function Loading(props: { noLogo?: boolean }) {
   return (
@@ -64,17 +63,17 @@ export function useSwitchTheme() {
     const metaDescriptionDark = document.querySelector(
-      'meta[name="theme-color"][media]',
+      'meta[name="theme-color"][media*="dark"]',
     const metaDescriptionLight = document.querySelector(
-      'meta[name="theme-color"]:not([media])',
+      'meta[name="theme-color"][media*="light"]',
     if (config.theme === "auto") {
       metaDescriptionDark?.setAttribute("content", "#151515");
       metaDescriptionLight?.setAttribute("content", "#fafafa");
     } else {
-      const themeColor = getCSSVar("--themeColor");
+      const themeColor = getCSSVar("--theme-color");
       metaDescriptionDark?.setAttribute("content", themeColor);
       metaDescriptionLight?.setAttribute("content", themeColor);
@@ -91,12 +90,24 @@ const useHasHydrated = () => {
   return hasHydrated;
+const loadAsyncGoogleFont = () => {
+  const linkEl = document.createElement("link");
+  linkEl.rel = "stylesheet";
+  linkEl.href =
+    "/google-fonts/css2?family=Noto+Sans+SC:wght@300;400;700;900&display=swap";
+  document.head.appendChild(linkEl);
 function Screen() {
   const config = useAppConfig();
   const location = useLocation();
   const isHome = location.pathname === Path.Home;
   const isMobileScreen = useMobileScreen();
+  useEffect(() => {
+    loadAsyncGoogleFont();
+  }, []);
   return (

+ 9 - 8

@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ import EyeIcon from "../icons/eye.svg";
 import CopyIcon from "../icons/copy.svg";
 import { DEFAULT_MASK_AVATAR, Mask, useMaskStore } from "../store/mask";
-import { Message, ModelConfig, ROLES, useChatStore } from "../store";
+import { ChatMessage, ModelConfig, useChatStore } from "../store";
+import { ROLES } from "../client/api";
 import { Input, List, ListItem, Modal, Popover, Select } from "./ui-lib";
 import { Avatar, AvatarPicker } from "./emoji";
 import Locale, { AllLangs, Lang } from "../locales";
@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom";
 import chatStyle from "./chat.module.scss";
 import { useState } from "react";
 import { downloadAs, readFromFile } from "../utils";
-import { Updater } from "../api/openai/typing";
+import { Updater } from "../typing";
 import { ModelConfigList } from "./model-config";
 import { FileName, Path } from "../constant";
 import { BUILTIN_MASK_STORE } from "../masks";
@@ -107,8 +108,8 @@ export function MaskConfig(props: {
 function ContextPromptItem(props: {
-  prompt: Message;
-  update: (prompt: Message) => void;
+  prompt: ChatMessage;
+  update: (prompt: ChatMessage) => void;
   remove: () => void;
 }) {
   const [focusingInput, setFocusingInput] = useState(false);
@@ -160,12 +161,12 @@ function ContextPromptItem(props: {
 export function ContextPrompts(props: {
-  context: Message[];
-  updateContext: (updater: (context: Message[]) => void) => void;
+  context: ChatMessage[];
+  updateContext: (updater: (context: ChatMessage[]) => void) => void;
 }) {
   const context = props.context;
-  const addContextPrompt = (prompt: Message) => {
+  const addContextPrompt = (prompt: ChatMessage) => {
     props.updateContext((context) => context.push(prompt));
@@ -173,7 +174,7 @@ export function ContextPrompts(props: {
     props.updateContext((context) => context.splice(i, 1));
-  const updateContextPrompt = (i: number, prompt: Message) => {
+  const updateContextPrompt = (i: number, prompt: ChatMessage) => {
     props.updateContext((context) => (context[i] = prompt));

+ 2 - 2

@@ -573,9 +573,9 @@ export function Settings() {
-            updateConfig={(upater) => {
+            updateConfig={(updater) => {
               const modelConfig = { ...config.modelConfig };
-              upater(modelConfig);
+              updater(modelConfig);
               config.update((config) => (config.modelConfig = modelConfig));

+ 2 - 0

@@ -40,3 +40,5 @@ export const NARROW_SIDEBAR_WIDTH = 100;
 export const ACCESS_CODE_PREFIX = "ak-";
 export const LAST_INPUT_KEY = "last-input";
+export const REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS = 60000;

+ 9 - 16

@@ -9,11 +9,19 @@ const buildConfig = getBuildConfig();
 export const metadata = {
   title: "ChatGPT Next Web",
   description: "Your personal ChatGPT Chat Bot.",
+  viewport: {
+    width: "device-width",
+    initialScale: 1,
+    maximumScale: 1,
+  },
+  themeColor: [
+    { media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)", color: "#fafafa" },
+    { media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)", color: "#151515" },
+  ],
   appleWebApp: {
     title: "ChatGPT Next Web",
     statusBarStyle: "default",
-  viewport: "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1",
 export default function RootLayout({
@@ -24,23 +32,8 @@ export default function RootLayout({
   return (
     <html lang="en">
-        <meta
-          name="theme-color"
-          content="#fafafa"
-          media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)"
-        />
-        <meta
-          name="theme-color"
-          content="#151515"
-          media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"
-        />
         <meta name="version" content={buildConfig.commitId} />
         <link rel="manifest" href="/site.webmanifest"></link>
-        <link rel="preconnect" href=""></link>
-        <link
-          href=";400;700;900&display=swap"
-          rel="stylesheet"
-        ></link>
         <script src="/serviceWorkerRegister.js" defer></script>

+ 1 - 1

@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ const cn = {
         tr: "Türkçe",
         jp: "日本語",
         de: "Deutsch",
-        vi: "Vietnamese",
+        vi: "Tiếng Việt",
         ru: "Русский",
         cs: "Čeština",

+ 1 - 1

@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ const cs: LocaleType = {
         tr: "Türkçe",
         jp: "日本語",
         de: "Deutsch",
-        vi: "Vietnamese",
+        vi: "Tiếng Việt",
         ru: "Русский",
         cs: "Čeština",

+ 1 - 1

@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ const de: LocaleType = {
         tr: "Türkçe",
         jp: "日本語",
         de: "Deutsch",
-        vi: "Vietnamese",
+        vi: "Tiếng Việt",
         ru: "Русский",
         cs: "Čeština",

+ 1 - 1

@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ const en: LocaleType = {
         tr: "Türkçe",
         jp: "日本語",
         de: "Deutsch",
-        vi: "Vietnamese",
+        vi: "Tiếng Việt",
         ru: "Русский",
         cs: "Čeština",

+ 1 - 1

@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ const es: LocaleType = {
         tr: "Türkçe",
         jp: "日本語",
         de: "Deutsch",
-        vi: "Vietnamese",
+        vi: "Tiếng Việt",
         ru: "Русский",
         cs: "Čeština",

+ 1 - 1

@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ const it: LocaleType = {
         tr: "Türkçe",
         jp: "日本語",
         de: "Deutsch",
-        vi: "Vietnamese",
+        vi: "Tiếng Việt",
         ru: "Русский",
         cs: "Čeština",

+ 1 - 1

@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ const jp: LocaleType = {
         tr: "Türkçe",
         jp: "日本語",
         de: "Deutsch",
-        vi: "Vietnamese",
+        vi: "Tiếng Việt",
         ru: "Русский",
         cs: "Čeština",

+ 1 - 1

@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ const ru: LocaleType = {
         tr: "Türkçe",
         jp: "日本語",
         de: "Deutsch",
-        vi: "Vietnamese",
+        vi: "Tiếng Việt",
         ru: "Русский",
         cs: "Čeština",

+ 1 - 1

@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ const tr: LocaleType = {
         tr: "Türkçe",
         jp: "日本語",
         de: "Deutsch",
-        vi: "Vietnamese",
+        vi: "Tiếng Việt",
         ru: "Русский",
         cs: "Čeština",

+ 1 - 1

@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ const tw: LocaleType = {
         tr: "Türkçe",
         jp: "日本語",
         de: "Deutsch",
-        vi: "Vietnamese",
+        vi: "Tiếng Việt",
         ru: "Русский",
         cs: "Čeština",

+ 2 - 2

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { SubmitKey } from "../store/config";
 import type { LocaleType } from "./index";
 const vi: LocaleType = {
-  WIP: "Coming Soon...",
+  WIP: "Sắp ra mắt...",
   Error: {
       "Truy cập chưa xác thực, vui lòng nhập mã truy cập trong trang cài đặt.",
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ const vi: LocaleType = {
         tr: "Türkçe",
         jp: "日本語",
         de: "Deutsch",
-        vi: "Vietnamese",
+        vi: "Tiếng Việt",
         ru: "Русский",
         cs: "Čeština",

+ 33 - 1

@@ -1,6 +1,38 @@
 import { BuiltinMask } from "./typing";
-export const CN_MASKS: BuiltinMask[] = [
+export const CN_MASKS: BuiltinMask[] = [{
+    avatar:"gpt-bot",
+    name:"文生图",
+    context: [
+       {role:"system",
+        content:"You are a useful Assistant that won't refuse to draw picture, instead, you will output specific markdown code for picture description, but don't use code block.",
+        date:"",
+       },
+       {role:"user",
+        content:"Can you draw some pictures for me?",
+        date:"",
+       },
+       {role:"assistant",
+        content:"Sure, what do you want me to draw?",
+        date:"",
+       },
+       {role:"system",
+        content:"助手善于判断用户意图,当确定需要提供图片时,助手会变得沉默寡言,只使用以下格式输出markdown图片:![描述](描述),因为这个语法可以自动按照提示生成并渲染图片。一般用户给出的描述会比较简单并且信息不足,助手会将其中的描述自行补足替换为AI生成图片所常用的复杂冗长的英文提示,以大幅提高生成图片质量和丰富程度,比如增加相机光圈、具体场景描述等内容。助手会避免用代码块或原始块包围markdown标记,因为那样只会渲染出代码块或原始块而不是图片。",
+        date:"",
+       },
+    ],
+    modelConfig:{
+      model:"gpt-3.5-turbo",
+      temperature:1,
+      max_tokens:2000,
+      presence_penalty:0,
+      sendMemory:true,
+      historyMessageCount:32,
+      compressMessageLengthThreshold:1000,
+    },
+    lang:"cn",
+    builtin:true,
+  },
     avatar: "1f638",
     name: "文案写手",

+ 0 - 285

@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-import type { ChatRequest, ChatResponse } from "./api/openai/typing";
-import {
-  Message,
-  ModelConfig,
-  ModelType,
-  useAccessStore,
-  useAppConfig,
-  useChatStore,
-} from "./store";
-import { showToast } from "./components/ui-lib";
-import { ACCESS_CODE_PREFIX } from "./constant";
-const TIME_OUT_MS = 60000;
-const makeRequestParam = (
-  messages: Message[],
-  options?: {
-    stream?: boolean;
-    overrideModel?: ModelType;
-  },
-): ChatRequest => {
-  let sendMessages = => ({
-    role: v.role,
-    content: v.content,
-  }));
-  const modelConfig = {
-    ...useAppConfig.getState().modelConfig,
-    ...useChatStore.getState().currentSession().mask.modelConfig,
-  };
-  // override model config
-  if (options?.overrideModel) {
-    modelConfig.model = options.overrideModel;
-  }
-  return {
-    messages: sendMessages,
-    stream: options?.stream,
-    model: modelConfig.model,
-    temperature: modelConfig.temperature,
-    presence_penalty: modelConfig.presence_penalty,
-  };
-export function getHeaders() {
-  const accessStore = useAccessStore.getState();
-  let headers: Record<string, string> = {};
-  const makeBearer = (token: string) => `Bearer ${token.trim()}`;
-  const validString = (x: string) => x && x.length > 0;
-  // use user's api key first
-  if (validString(accessStore.token)) {
-    headers.Authorization = makeBearer(accessStore.token);
-  } else if (
-    accessStore.enabledAccessControl() &&
-    validString(accessStore.accessCode)
-  ) {
-    headers.Authorization = makeBearer(
-      ACCESS_CODE_PREFIX + accessStore.accessCode,
-    );
-  }
-  return headers;
-export function requestOpenaiClient(path: string) {
-  const openaiUrl = useAccessStore.getState().openaiUrl;
-  return (body: any, method = "POST") =>
-    fetch(openaiUrl + path, {
-      method,
-      body: body && JSON.stringify(body),
-      headers: getHeaders(),
-    });
-export async function requestChat(
-  messages: Message[],
-  options?: {
-    model?: ModelType;
-  },
-) {
-  const req: ChatRequest = makeRequestParam(messages, {
-    overrideModel: options?.model,
-  });
-  const res = await requestOpenaiClient("v1/chat/completions")(req);
-  try {
-    const response = (await res.json()) as ChatResponse;
-    return response;
-  } catch (error) {
-    console.error("[Request Chat] ", error, res.body);
-  }
-export async function requestUsage() {
-  const formatDate = (d: Date) =>
-    `${d.getFullYear()}-${(d.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, "0")}-${d
-      .getDate()
-      .toString()
-      .padStart(2, "0")}`;
-  const ONE_DAY = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
-  const now = new Date();
-  const startOfMonth = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), 1);
-  const startDate = formatDate(startOfMonth);
-  const endDate = formatDate(new Date( + ONE_DAY));
-  const [used, subs] = await Promise.all([
-    requestOpenaiClient(
-      `dashboard/billing/usage?start_date=${startDate}&end_date=${endDate}`,
-    )(null, "GET"),
-    requestOpenaiClient("dashboard/billing/subscription")(null, "GET"),
-  ]);
-  const response = (await used.json()) as {
-    total_usage?: number;
-    error?: {
-      type: string;
-      message: string;
-    };
-  };
-  const total = (await subs.json()) as {
-    hard_limit_usd?: number;
-  };
-  if (response.error && response.error.type) {
-    showToast(response.error.message);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (response.total_usage) {
-    response.total_usage = Math.round(response.total_usage) / 100;
-  }
-  if (total.hard_limit_usd) {
-    total.hard_limit_usd = Math.round(total.hard_limit_usd * 100) / 100;
-  }
-  return {
-    used: response.total_usage,
-    subscription: total.hard_limit_usd,
-  };
-export async function requestChatStream(
-  messages: Message[],
-  options?: {
-    modelConfig?: ModelConfig;
-    overrideModel?: ModelType;
-    onMessage: (message: string, done: boolean) => void;
-    onError: (error: Error, statusCode?: number) => void;
-    onController?: (controller: AbortController) => void;
-  },
-) {
-  const req = makeRequestParam(messages, {
-    stream: true,
-    overrideModel: options?.overrideModel,
-  });
-  console.log("[Request] ", req);
-  const controller = new AbortController();
-  const reqTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => controller.abort(), TIME_OUT_MS);
-  try {
-    const openaiUrl = useAccessStore.getState().openaiUrl;
-    const res = await fetch(openaiUrl + "v1/chat/completions", {
-      method: "POST",
-      headers: {
-        "Content-Type": "application/json",
-        ...getHeaders(),
-      },
-      body: JSON.stringify(req),
-      signal: controller.signal,
-    });
-    clearTimeout(reqTimeoutId);
-    let responseText = "";
-    const finish = () => {
-      options?.onMessage(responseText, true);
-      controller.abort();
-    };
-    if (res.ok) {
-      const reader = res.body?.getReader();
-      const decoder = new TextDecoder();
-      options?.onController?.(controller);
-      while (true) {
-        const resTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => finish(), TIME_OUT_MS);
-        const content = await reader?.read();
-        clearTimeout(resTimeoutId);
-        if (!content || !content.value) {
-          break;
-        }
-        const text = decoder.decode(content.value, { stream: true });
-        responseText += text;
-        const done = content.done;
-        options?.onMessage(responseText, false);
-        if (done) {
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      finish();
-    } else if (res.status === 401) {
-      console.error("Unauthorized");
-      options?.onError(new Error("Unauthorized"), res.status);
-    } else {
-      console.error("Stream Error", res.body);
-      options?.onError(new Error("Stream Error"), res.status);
-    }
-  } catch (err) {
-    console.error("NetWork Error", err);
-    options?.onError(err as Error);
-  }
-export async function requestWithPrompt(
-  messages: Message[],
-  prompt: string,
-  options?: {
-    model?: ModelType;
-  },
-) {
-  messages = messages.concat([
-    {
-      role: "user",
-      content: prompt,
-      date: new Date().toLocaleString(),
-    },
-  ]);
-  const res = await requestChat(messages, options);
-  return res?.choices?.at(0)?.message?.content ?? "";
-// To store message streaming controller
-export const ControllerPool = {
-  controllers: {} as Record<string, AbortController>,
-  addController(
-    sessionIndex: number,
-    messageId: number,
-    controller: AbortController,
-  ) {
-    const key = this.key(sessionIndex, messageId);
-    this.controllers[key] = controller;
-    return key;
-  },
-  stop(sessionIndex: number, messageId: number) {
-    const key = this.key(sessionIndex, messageId);
-    const controller = this.controllers[key];
-    controller?.abort();
-  },
-  stopAll() {
-    Object.values(this.controllers).forEach((v) => v.abort());
-  },
-  hasPending() {
-    return Object.values(this.controllers).length > 0;
-  },
-  remove(sessionIndex: number, messageId: number) {
-    const key = this.key(sessionIndex, messageId);
-    delete this.controllers[key];
-  },
-  key(sessionIndex: number, messageIndex: number) {
-    return `${sessionIndex},${messageIndex}`;
-  },

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import { create } from "zustand";
 import { persist } from "zustand/middleware";
 import { StoreKey } from "../constant";
-import { getHeaders } from "../requests";
+import { getHeaders } from "../client/api";
 import { BOT_HELLO } from "./chat";
 import { ALL_MODELS } from "./config";

+ 84 - 70

@@ -1,12 +1,6 @@
 import { create } from "zustand";
 import { persist } from "zustand/middleware";
-import { type ChatCompletionResponseMessage } from "openai";
-import {
-  ControllerPool,
-  requestChatStream,
-  requestWithPrompt,
-} from "../requests";
 import { trimTopic } from "../utils";
 import Locale from "../locales";
@@ -14,8 +8,11 @@ import { showToast } from "../components/ui-lib";
 import { ModelType } from "./config";
 import { createEmptyMask, Mask } from "./mask";
 import { StoreKey } from "../constant";
+import { api, RequestMessage } from "../client/api";
+import { ChatControllerPool } from "../client/controller";
+import { prettyObject } from "../utils/format";
-export type Message = ChatCompletionResponseMessage & {
+export type ChatMessage = RequestMessage & {
   date: string;
   streaming?: boolean;
   isError?: boolean;
@@ -23,7 +20,7 @@ export type Message = ChatCompletionResponseMessage & {
   model?: ModelType;
-export function createMessage(override: Partial<Message>): Message {
+export function createMessage(override: Partial<ChatMessage>): ChatMessage {
   return {
     date: new Date().toLocaleString(),
@@ -33,8 +30,6 @@ export function createMessage(override: Partial<Message>): Message {
-export const ROLES: Message["role"][] = ["system", "user", "assistant"];
 export interface ChatStat {
   tokenCount: number;
   wordCount: number;
@@ -47,7 +42,7 @@ export interface ChatSession {
   topic: string;
   memoryPrompt: string;
-  messages: Message[];
+  messages: ChatMessage[];
   stat: ChatStat;
   lastUpdate: number;
   lastSummarizeIndex: number;
@@ -56,7 +51,7 @@ export interface ChatSession {
 export const DEFAULT_TOPIC = Locale.Store.DefaultTopic;
-export const BOT_HELLO: Message = createMessage({
+export const BOT_HELLO: ChatMessage = createMessage({
   role: "assistant",
   content: Locale.Store.BotHello,
@@ -88,24 +83,24 @@ interface ChatStore {
   newSession: (mask?: Mask) => void;
   deleteSession: (index: number) => void;
   currentSession: () => ChatSession;
-  onNewMessage: (message: Message) => void;
+  onNewMessage: (message: ChatMessage) => void;
   onUserInput: (content: string) => Promise<void>;
   summarizeSession: () => void;
-  updateStat: (message: Message) => void;
+  updateStat: (message: ChatMessage) => void;
   updateCurrentSession: (updater: (session: ChatSession) => void) => void;
   updateMessage: (
     sessionIndex: number,
     messageIndex: number,
-    updater: (message?: Message) => void,
+    updater: (message?: ChatMessage) => void,
   ) => void;
   resetSession: () => void;
-  getMessagesWithMemory: () => Message[];
-  getMemoryPrompt: () => Message;
+  getMessagesWithMemory: () => ChatMessage[];
+  getMemoryPrompt: () => ChatMessage;
   clearAllData: () => void;
-function countMessages(msgs: Message[]) {
+function countMessages(msgs: ChatMessage[]) {
   return msgs.reduce((pre, cur) => pre + cur.content.length, 0);
@@ -240,12 +235,12 @@ export const useChatStore = create<ChatStore>()(
         const session = get().currentSession();
         const modelConfig = session.mask.modelConfig;
-        const userMessage: Message = createMessage({
+        const userMessage: ChatMessage = createMessage({
           role: "user",
-        const botMessage: Message = createMessage({
+        const botMessage: ChatMessage = createMessage({
           role: "assistant",
           streaming: true,
           id:! + 1,
@@ -254,7 +249,7 @@ export const useChatStore = create<ChatStore>()(
         const systemInfo = createMessage({
           role: "system",
-          content: `IMPRTANT: You are a virtual assistant powered by the ${
+          content: `IMPORTANT: You are a virtual assistant powered by the ${
           } model, now time is ${new Date().toLocaleString()}}`,
           id:! + 1,
@@ -277,45 +272,52 @@ export const useChatStore = create<ChatStore>()(
         // make request
         console.log("[User Input] ", sendMessages);
-        requestChatStream(sendMessages, {
-          onMessage(content, done) {
-            // stream response
-            if (done) {
-              botMessage.streaming = false;
-              botMessage.content = content;
-              get().onNewMessage(botMessage);
-              ControllerPool.remove(
-                sessionIndex,
-       ?? messageIndex,
-              );
-            } else {
-              botMessage.content = content;
-              set(() => ({}));
-            }
+          messages: sendMessages,
+          config: { ...modelConfig, stream: true },
+          onUpdate(message) {
+            botMessage.streaming = true;
+            botMessage.content = message;
+            set(() => ({}));
-          onError(error, statusCode) {
+          onFinish(message) {
+            botMessage.streaming = false;
+            botMessage.content = message;
+            get().onNewMessage(botMessage);
+            ChatControllerPool.remove(
+              sessionIndex,
+     ?? messageIndex,
+            );
+            set(() => ({}));
+          },
+          onError(error) {
             const isAborted = error.message.includes("aborted");
-            if (statusCode === 401) {
-              botMessage.content = Locale.Error.Unauthorized;
-            } else if (!isAborted) {
-              botMessage.content += "\n\n" + Locale.Store.Error;
+            if (
+              botMessage.content !== Locale.Error.Unauthorized &&
+              !isAborted
+            ) {
+              botMessage.content += "\n\n" + prettyObject(error);
             botMessage.streaming = false;
             userMessage.isError = !isAborted;
             botMessage.isError = !isAborted;
             set(() => ({}));
-            ControllerPool.remove(sessionIndex, ?? messageIndex);
+            ChatControllerPool.remove(
+              sessionIndex,
+     ?? messageIndex,
+            );
+            console.error("[Chat] error ", error);
           onController(controller) {
             // collect controller for stop/retry
-            ControllerPool.addController(
+            ChatControllerPool.addController(
      ?? messageIndex,
-          modelConfig: { ...modelConfig },
@@ -329,7 +331,7 @@ export const useChatStore = create<ChatStore>()(
               ? Locale.Store.Prompt.History(session.memoryPrompt)
               : "",
           date: "",
-        } as Message;
+        } as ChatMessage;
       getMessagesWithMemory() {
@@ -384,7 +386,7 @@ export const useChatStore = create<ChatStore>()(
         sessionIndex: number,
         messageIndex: number,
-        updater: (message?: Message) => void,
+        updater: (message?: ChatMessage) => void,
       ) {
         const sessions = get().sessions;
         const session =;
@@ -403,24 +405,38 @@ export const useChatStore = create<ChatStore>()(
       summarizeSession() {
         const session = get().currentSession();
+        // remove error messages if any
+        const cleanMessages = session.messages.filter((msg) => !msg.isError);
         // should summarize topic after chating more than 50 words
         const SUMMARIZE_MIN_LEN = 50;
         if (
           session.topic === DEFAULT_TOPIC &&
-          countMessages(session.messages) >= SUMMARIZE_MIN_LEN
+          countMessages(cleanMessages) >= SUMMARIZE_MIN_LEN
         ) {
-          requestWithPrompt(session.messages, Locale.Store.Prompt.Topic, {
-            model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
-          }).then((res) => {
-            get().updateCurrentSession(
-              (session) =>
-                (session.topic = res ? trimTopic(res) : DEFAULT_TOPIC),
-            );
+          const topicMessages = cleanMessages.concat(
+            createMessage({
+              role: "user",
+              content: Locale.Store.Prompt.Topic,
+            }),
+          );
+            messages: topicMessages,
+            config: {
+              model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
+            },
+            onFinish(message) {
+              get().updateCurrentSession(
+                (session) =>
+                  (session.topic =
+                    message.length > 0 ? trimTopic(message) : DEFAULT_TOPIC),
+              );
+            },
         const modelConfig = session.mask.modelConfig;
-        let toBeSummarizedMsgs = session.messages.slice(
+        let toBeSummarizedMsgs = cleanMessages.slice(
@@ -449,26 +465,24 @@ export const useChatStore = create<ChatStore>()(
           historyMsgLength > modelConfig.compressMessageLengthThreshold &&
         ) {
-          requestChatStream(
-            toBeSummarizedMsgs.concat({
+            messages: toBeSummarizedMsgs.concat({
               role: "system",
               content: Locale.Store.Prompt.Summarize,
               date: "",
-            {
-              overrideModel: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
-              onMessage(message, done) {
-                session.memoryPrompt = message;
-                if (done) {
-                  console.log("[Memory] ", session.memoryPrompt);
-                  session.lastSummarizeIndex = lastSummarizeIndex;
-                }
-              },
-              onError(error) {
-                console.error("[Summarize] ", error);
-              },
+            config: { ...modelConfig, stream: true },
+            onUpdate(message) {
+              session.memoryPrompt = message;
-          );
+            onFinish(message) {
+              console.log("[Memory] ", message);
+              session.lastSummarizeIndex = lastSummarizeIndex;
+            },
+            onError(err) {
+              console.error("[Summarize] ", err);
+            },
+          });

+ 2 - 2

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { create } from "zustand";
 import { persist } from "zustand/middleware";
 import { BUILTIN_MASKS } from "../masks";
 import { getLang, Lang } from "../locales";
-import { DEFAULT_TOPIC, Message } from "./chat";
+import { DEFAULT_TOPIC, ChatMessage } from "./chat";
 import { ModelConfig, ModelType, useAppConfig } from "./config";
 import { StoreKey } from "../constant";
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ export type Mask = {
   id: number;
   avatar: string;
   name: string;
-  context: Message[];
+  context: ChatMessage[];
   modelConfig: ModelConfig;
   lang: Lang;
   builtin: boolean;

+ 14 - 6

@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 import { create } from "zustand";
 import { persist } from "zustand/middleware";
-import { FETCH_COMMIT_URL, FETCH_TAG_URL, StoreKey } from "../constant";
-import { requestUsage } from "../requests";
+import { FETCH_COMMIT_URL, StoreKey } from "../constant";
+import { api } from "../client/api";
+import { showToast } from "../components/ui-lib";
 export interface UpdateStore {
   lastUpdate: number;
@@ -73,10 +74,17 @@ export const useUpdateStore = create<UpdateStore>()(
-        const usage = await requestUsage();
-        if (usage) {
-          set(() => usage);
+        try {
+          const usage = await api.llm.usage();
+          if (usage) {
+            set(() => ({
+              used: usage.used,
+              subscription:,
+            }));
+          }
+        } catch (e) {
+          showToast((e as Error).message);

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export type Updater<T> = (updater: (value: T) => void) => void;

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+export function prettyObject(msg: any) {
+  const prettyMsg = [
+    "```json\n",
+    JSON.stringify(msg, null, "  "),
+    "\n```",
+  ].join("");
+  return prettyMsg;

+ 4 - 0

@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ const nextConfig = {
         source: "/api/proxy/:path*",
         destination: "*",
+      {
+        source: "/google-fonts/:path*",
+        destination: "*",
+      },
     const apiUrl = process.env.API_URL;

+ 2 - 3

@@ -14,15 +14,14 @@
   "dependencies": {
     "@hello-pangea/dnd": "^16.2.0",
+    "@microsoft/fetch-event-source": "^2.0.1",
     "@svgr/webpack": "^6.5.1",
     "@vercel/analytics": "^0.1.11",
     "emoji-picker-react": "^4.4.7",
-    "eventsource-parser": "^0.1.0",
     "fuse.js": "^6.6.2",
     "mermaid": "^10.1.0",
-    "next": "^13.3.1-canary.8",
+    "next": "^13.4.2",
     "node-fetch": "^3.3.1",
-    "openai": "^3.2.1",
     "react": "^18.2.0",
     "react-dom": "^18.2.0",
     "react-markdown": "^8.0.5",

+ 78 - 130

@@ -1111,10 +1111,15 @@
     "@types/react" ">=16.0.0"
-  version "13.3.1-canary.8"
-  resolved ""
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+  version "2.0.1"
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+  version "13.4.2"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-Wqvo7lDeS0KGwtwg9TT9wKQ8raelmUxt+TQKWvG/xKfcmDXNOtCuaszcfCF8JzlBG1q0VhpI6CKaRMbVPMDWgw==
   version "13.2.3"
@@ -1123,50 +1128,50 @@
     glob "7.1.7"
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-  version "13.3.1-canary.8"
-  resolved ""
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-  version "13.3.1-canary.8"
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-  version "13.3.1-canary.8"
-  resolved ""
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-  version "13.3.1-canary.8"
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+  version "13.4.2"
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+  version "13.4.2"
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+  version "13.4.2"
+  resolved ""
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+  version "13.4.2"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-ZWVC72x0lW4aj44e3khvBrj2oSYj1bD0jESmyah3zG/3DplEy/FOtYkMzbMjHTdDSheso7zH8GIlW6CDQnKhmQ==
+  version "13.4.2"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-pLT+OWYpzJig5K4VKhLttlIfBcVZfr2+Xbjra0Tjs83NQSkFS+y7xx+YhCwvpEmXYLIvaggj2ONPyjbiigOvHQ==
+  version "13.4.2"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-dhpiksQCyGca4WY0fJyzK3FxMDFoqMb0Cn+uDB+9GYjpU2K5//UGPQlCwiK4JHxuhg8oLMag5Nf3/IPSJNG8jw==
+  version "13.4.2"
+  resolved ""
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   version "2.1.5"
@@ -1317,10 +1322,10 @@
     "@svgr/plugin-jsx" "^6.5.1"
     "@svgr/plugin-svgo" "^6.5.1"
-  version "0.4.14"
-  resolved ""
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+  version "0.5.1"
+  resolved ""
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     tslib "^2.4.0"
@@ -1638,11 +1643,6 @@ astral-regex@^2.0.0:
   resolved ""
   integrity sha512-Z7tMw1ytTXt5jqMcOP+OQteU1VuNK9Y02uuJtKQ1Sv69jXQKKg5cibLwGJow8yzZP+eAc18EmLGPal0bp36rvQ==
-  version "0.4.0"
-  resolved ""
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   version "1.0.5"
   resolved ""
@@ -1653,13 +1653,6 @@ axe-core@^4.6.2:
   resolved ""
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-  version "0.26.1"
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-  dependencies:
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@@ -1880,13 +1873,6 @@ colorette@^2.0.19:
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-  version "1.0.8"
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-  dependencies:
-    delayed-stream "~1.0.0"
   version "2.0.3"
   resolved ""
@@ -2371,11 +2357,6 @@ delaunator@5:
     robust-predicates "^3.0.0"
-  version "1.0.0"
-  resolved ""
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   version "2.0.3"
   resolved ""
@@ -2816,11 +2797,6 @@ esutils@^2.0.2:
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   version "7.1.1"
   resolved ""
@@ -2929,11 +2905,6 @@ flatted@^3.1.0:
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   version "0.3.3"
   resolved ""
@@ -2941,15 +2912,6 @@ for-each@^0.3.3:
     is-callable "^1.1.3"
-  version "4.0.0"
-  resolved ""
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-    combined-stream "^1.0.8"
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@@ -4266,18 +4228,6 @@ micromatch@^4.0.4, micromatch@^4.0.5:
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@@ -4325,27 +4275,28 @@ natural-compare@^1.4.0:
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-  version "13.3.1-canary.8"
-  resolved ""
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+  version "13.4.2"
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-    "@swc/helpers" "0.4.14"
+    "@next/env" "13.4.2"
+    "@swc/helpers" "0.5.1"
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     styled-jsx "5.1.1"
+    zod "3.21.4"
-    "@next/swc-darwin-arm64" "13.3.1-canary.8"
-    "@next/swc-darwin-x64" "13.3.1-canary.8"
-    "@next/swc-linux-arm64-gnu" "13.3.1-canary.8"
-    "@next/swc-linux-arm64-musl" "13.3.1-canary.8"
-    "@next/swc-linux-x64-gnu" "13.3.1-canary.8"
-    "@next/swc-linux-x64-musl" "13.3.1-canary.8"
-    "@next/swc-win32-arm64-msvc" "13.3.1-canary.8"
-    "@next/swc-win32-ia32-msvc" "13.3.1-canary.8"
-    "@next/swc-win32-x64-msvc" "13.3.1-canary.8"
+    "@next/swc-darwin-arm64" "13.4.2"
+    "@next/swc-darwin-x64" "13.4.2"
+    "@next/swc-linux-arm64-gnu" "13.4.2"
+    "@next/swc-linux-arm64-musl" "13.4.2"
+    "@next/swc-linux-x64-gnu" "13.4.2"
+    "@next/swc-linux-x64-musl" "13.4.2"
+    "@next/swc-win32-arm64-msvc" "13.4.2"
+    "@next/swc-win32-ia32-msvc" "13.4.2"
+    "@next/swc-win32-x64-msvc" "13.4.2"
   version "1.0.0"
@@ -4488,14 +4439,6 @@ open@^8.4.0:
     is-docker "^2.1.1"
     is-wsl "^2.2.0"
-  version "3.2.1"
-  resolved ""
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-  dependencies:
-    axios "^0.26.0"
-    form-data "^4.0.0"
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   resolved ""
@@ -5647,6 +5590,11 @@ yocto-queue@^0.1.0:
   resolved ""
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+  version "3.21.4"
+  resolved ""
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   version "4.3.6"
   resolved ""