import { create } from "zustand"; import { persist } from "zustand/middleware"; import { type ChatCompletionResponseMessage } from "openai"; import { requestChat, requestChatStream, requestWithPrompt } from "./requests"; import { trimTopic } from "./utils"; export type Message = ChatCompletionResponseMessage & { date: string; streaming?: boolean; }; export enum SubmitKey { Enter = "Enter", CtrlEnter = "Ctrl + Enter", ShiftEnter = "Shift + Enter", AltEnter = "Alt + Enter", } export enum Theme { Auto = "auto", Dark = "dark", Light = "light", } export interface ChatConfig { maxToken?: number; historyMessageCount: number; // -1 means all compressMessageLengthThreshold: number; sendBotMessages: boolean; // send bot's message or not submitKey: SubmitKey; avatar: string; theme: Theme; tightBorder: boolean; } const DEFAULT_CONFIG: ChatConfig = { historyMessageCount: 4, compressMessageLengthThreshold: 1000, sendBotMessages: true as boolean, submitKey: SubmitKey.CtrlEnter as SubmitKey, avatar: "1f603", theme: Theme.Auto as Theme, tightBorder: false, }; export interface ChatStat { tokenCount: number; wordCount: number; charCount: number; } export interface ChatSession { id: number; topic: string; memoryPrompt: string; messages: Message[]; stat: ChatStat; lastUpdate: string; lastSummarizeIndex: number; } const DEFAULT_TOPIC = "新的聊天"; function createEmptySession(): ChatSession { const createDate = new Date().toLocaleString(); return { id:, topic: DEFAULT_TOPIC, memoryPrompt: "", messages: [ { role: "assistant", content: "有什么可以帮你的吗", date: createDate, }, ], stat: { tokenCount: 0, wordCount: 0, charCount: 0, }, lastUpdate: createDate, lastSummarizeIndex: 0, }; } interface ChatStore { config: ChatConfig; sessions: ChatSession[]; currentSessionIndex: number; removeSession: (index: number) => void; selectSession: (index: number) => void; newSession: () => void; currentSession: () => ChatSession; onNewMessage: (message: Message) => void; onUserInput: (content: string) => Promise; summarizeSession: () => void; updateStat: (message: Message) => void; updateCurrentSession: (updater: (session: ChatSession) => void) => void; updateMessage: ( sessionIndex: number, messageIndex: number, updater: (message?: Message) => void ) => void; getMessagesWithMemory: () => Message[]; getMemoryPrompt: () => Message, getConfig: () => ChatConfig; resetConfig: () => void; updateConfig: (updater: (config: ChatConfig) => void) => void; clearAllData: () => void; } const LOCAL_KEY = "chat-next-web-store"; export const useChatStore = create()( persist( (set, get) => ({ sessions: [createEmptySession()], currentSessionIndex: 0, config: { ...DEFAULT_CONFIG, }, resetConfig() { set(() => ({ config: { ...DEFAULT_CONFIG } })); }, getConfig() { return get().config; }, updateConfig(updater) { const config = get().config; updater(config); set(() => ({ config })); }, selectSession(index: number) { set({ currentSessionIndex: index, }); }, removeSession(index: number) { set((state) => { let nextIndex = state.currentSessionIndex; const sessions = state.sessions; if (sessions.length === 1) { return { currentSessionIndex: 0, sessions: [createEmptySession()], }; } sessions.splice(index, 1); if (nextIndex === index) { nextIndex -= 1; } return { currentSessionIndex: nextIndex, sessions, }; }); }, newSession() { set((state) => ({ currentSessionIndex: 0, sessions: [createEmptySession()].concat(state.sessions), })); }, currentSession() { let index = get().currentSessionIndex; const sessions = get().sessions; if (index < 0 || index >= sessions.length) { index = Math.min(sessions.length - 1, Math.max(0, index)); set(() => ({ currentSessionIndex: index })); } const session = sessions[index]; return session; }, onNewMessage(message) { get().updateCurrentSession(session => { session.lastUpdate = new Date().toLocaleString() }) get().updateStat(message); get().summarizeSession(); }, async onUserInput(content) { const userMessage: Message = { role: "user", content, date: new Date().toLocaleString(), }; const botMessage: Message = { content: "", role: "assistant", date: new Date().toLocaleString(), streaming: true, }; // get recent messages const recentMessages = get().getMessagesWithMemory() const sendMessages = recentMessages.concat(userMessage) // save user's and bot's message get().updateCurrentSession((session) => { session.messages.push(userMessage); session.messages.push(botMessage); }); console.log('[User Input] ', sendMessages) requestChatStream(sendMessages, { onMessage(content, done) { if (done) { botMessage.streaming = false; get().onNewMessage(botMessage) } else { botMessage.content = content; set(() => ({})); } }, onError(error) { botMessage.content += "\n\n出错了,稍后重试吧"; botMessage.streaming = false; set(() => ({})); }, filterBot: !get().config.sendBotMessages, }); }, getMemoryPrompt() { const session = get().currentSession() return { role: 'system', content: '这是 ai 和用户的历史聊天总结作为前情提要:' + session.memoryPrompt, date: '' } as Message }, getMessagesWithMemory() { const session = get().currentSession() const config = get().config const n = session.messages.length const recentMessages = session.messages.slice(n - config.historyMessageCount); const memoryPrompt = get().getMemoryPrompt() if (session.memoryPrompt) { recentMessages.unshift(memoryPrompt) } return recentMessages }, updateMessage( sessionIndex: number, messageIndex: number, updater: (message?: Message) => void ) { const sessions = get().sessions; const session =; const messages = session?.messages; updater(messages?.at(messageIndex)); set(() => ({ sessions })); }, summarizeSession() { const session = get().currentSession(); if (session.topic === DEFAULT_TOPIC) { // should summarize topic requestWithPrompt( session.messages, "直接返回这句话的简要主题,不要解释,如果没有主题,请直接返回“闲聊”" ).then((res) => { get().updateCurrentSession( (session) => (session.topic = trimTopic(res)) ); }); } const config = get().config let toBeSummarizedMsgs = session.messages.slice(session.lastSummarizeIndex) const historyMsgLength = toBeSummarizedMsgs.reduce((pre, cur) => pre + cur.content.length, 0) if (historyMsgLength > 4000) { toBeSummarizedMsgs = toBeSummarizedMsgs.slice(-config.historyMessageCount) } // add memory prompt toBeSummarizedMsgs.unshift(get().getMemoryPrompt()) const lastSummarizeIndex = session.messages.length console.log('[Chat History] ', toBeSummarizedMsgs, historyMsgLength, config.compressMessageLengthThreshold) if (historyMsgLength > config.compressMessageLengthThreshold) { requestChatStream(toBeSummarizedMsgs.concat({ role: 'system', content: '简要总结一下你和用户的对话,用作后续的上下文提示 prompt,控制在 50 字以内', date: '' }), { filterBot: false, onMessage(message, done) { session.memoryPrompt = message if (done) { console.log('[Memory] ', session.memoryPrompt) session.lastSummarizeIndex = lastSummarizeIndex } }, onError(error) { console.error('[Summarize] ', error) }, }) } }, updateStat(message) { get().updateCurrentSession((session) => { session.stat.charCount += message.content.length; // TODO: should update chat count and word count }); }, updateCurrentSession(updater) { const sessions = get().sessions; const index = get().currentSessionIndex; updater(sessions[index]); set(() => ({ sessions })); }, clearAllData() { if (confirm('确认清除所有聊天、设置数据?')) { localStorage.clear() location.reload() } }, }), { name: LOCAL_KEY, } ) );