import { FETCH_COMMIT_URL, FETCH_TAG_URL, StoreKey } from "../constant"; import { api } from "../client/api"; import { getClientConfig } from "../config/client"; import { createPersistStore } from "../utils/store"; import ChatGptIcon from "../icons/chatgpt.png"; const ONE_MINUTE = 60 * 1000; const isApp = !!getClientConfig()?.isApp; function formatVersionDate(t: string) { const d = new Date(+t); const year = d.getUTCFullYear(); const month = d.getUTCMonth() + 1; const day = d.getUTCDate(); return [ year.toString(), month.toString().padStart(2, "0"), day.toString().padStart(2, "0"), ].join(""); } type VersionType = "date" | "tag"; async function getVersion(type: VersionType) { if (type === "date") { const data = (await (await fetch(FETCH_COMMIT_URL)).json()) as { commit: { author: { name: string; date: string }; }; sha: string; }[]; const remoteCommitTime = data[0]; const remoteId = new Date(remoteCommitTime).getTime().toString(); return remoteId; } else if (type === "tag") { const data = (await (await fetch(FETCH_TAG_URL)).json()) as { commit: { sha: string; url: string }; name: string; }[]; return; } } export const useUpdateStore = createPersistStore( { versionType: "tag" as VersionType, lastUpdate: 0, version: "unknown", remoteVersion: "", used: 0, subscription: 0, lastUpdateUsage: 0, }, (set, get) => ({ formatVersion(version: string) { if (get().versionType === "date") { version = formatVersionDate(version); } return version; }, async getLatestVersion(force = false) { const versionType = get().versionType; let version = versionType === "date" ? getClientConfig()?.commitDate : getClientConfig()?.version; set(() => ({ version })); const shouldCheck = - get().lastUpdate > 2 * 60 * ONE_MINUTE; if (!force && !shouldCheck) return; set(() => ({ lastUpdate:, })); try { const remoteId = await getVersion(versionType); set(() => ({ remoteVersion: remoteId, })); if (window.__TAURI__?.notification && isApp) { // Check if notification permission is granted await window.__TAURI__?.notification.isPermissionGranted().then((granted) => { if (!granted) { return } else { // Request permission to show notifications window.__TAURI__?.notification.requestPermission().then((permission) => { if (permission === 'granted') { if (version === remoteId) { // Show a notification using Tauri window.__TAURI__?.notification.sendNotification({ title: "ChatGPT Next Web", body: "Already up to date", icon: `${ChatGptIcon.src}`, sound: "Default" }); } else { // Show a notification for the new version using Tauri window.__TAURI__?.notification.sendNotification({ title: "ChatGPT Next Web", body: `A new version (${remoteId}) is available.`, icon: `${ChatGptIcon.src}`, sound: "Default" }); } } }); } }); } console.log("[Got Upstream] ", remoteId); } catch (error) { console.error("[Fetch Upstream Commit Id]", error); } }, async updateUsage(force = false) { const overOneMinute = - get().lastUpdateUsage >= ONE_MINUTE; if (!overOneMinute && !force) return; set(() => ({ lastUpdateUsage:, })); try { const usage = await api.llm.usage(); if (usage) { set(() => ({ used: usage.used, subscription:, })); } } catch (e) { console.error((e as Error).message); } }, }), { name: StoreKey.Update, version: 1, }, );