en.ts 5.0 KB

  1. import { SubmitKey } from "../store/app";
  2. import type { LocaleType } from "./index";
  3. const en: LocaleType = {
  4. WIP: "WIP...",
  5. Error: {
  6. Unauthorized:
  7. "Unauthorized access, please enter access code in settings page.",
  8. },
  9. ChatItem: {
  10. ChatItemCount: (count: number) => `${count} messages`,
  11. },
  12. Chat: {
  13. SubTitle: (count: number) => `${count} messages with ChatGPT`,
  14. Actions: {
  15. ChatList: "Go To Chat List",
  16. CompressedHistory: "Compressed History Memory Prompt",
  17. Export: "Export All Messages as Markdown",
  18. Copy: "Copy",
  19. Stop: "Stop",
  20. Retry: "Retry",
  21. },
  22. Rename: "Rename Chat",
  23. Typing: "Typing…",
  24. Input: (submitKey: string) => {
  25. var inputHints = `Type something and press ${submitKey} to send`;
  26. if (submitKey === String(SubmitKey.Enter)) {
  27. inputHints += ", press Shift + Enter to newline";
  28. }
  29. return inputHints;
  30. },
  31. Send: "Send",
  32. },
  33. Export: {
  34. Title: "All Messages",
  35. Copy: "Copy All",
  36. Download: "Download",
  37. MessageFromYou: "Message From You",
  38. MessageFromChatGPT: "Message From ChatGPT",
  39. },
  40. Memory: {
  41. Title: "Memory Prompt",
  42. EmptyContent: "Nothing yet.",
  43. Send: "Send Memory",
  44. Copy: "Copy Memory",
  45. Reset: "Reset Session",
  46. ResetConfirm:
  47. "Resetting will clear the current conversation history and historical memory. Are you sure you want to reset?",
  48. },
  49. Home: {
  50. NewChat: "New Chat",
  51. DeleteChat: "Confirm to delete the selected conversation?",
  52. },
  53. Settings: {
  54. Title: "Settings",
  55. SubTitle: "All Settings",
  56. Actions: {
  57. ClearAll: "Clear All Data",
  58. ResetAll: "Reset All Settings",
  59. Close: "Close",
  60. },
  61. Lang: {
  62. Name: "Language", // ATTENTION: if you wanna add a new translation, please do not translate this value, leave it as `Language`
  63. Options: {
  64. cn: "简体中文",
  65. en: "English",
  66. tw: "繁體中文",
  67. es: "Español",
  68. it: "Italiano",
  69. },
  70. },
  71. Avatar: "Avatar",
  72. FontSize: {
  73. Title: "Font Size",
  74. SubTitle: "Adjust font size of chat content",
  75. },
  76. Update: {
  77. Version: (x: string) => `Version: ${x}`,
  78. IsLatest: "Latest version",
  79. CheckUpdate: "Check Update",
  80. IsChecking: "Checking update...",
  81. FoundUpdate: (x: string) => `Found new version: ${x}`,
  82. GoToUpdate: "Update",
  83. },
  84. SendKey: "Send Key",
  85. Theme: "Theme",
  86. TightBorder: "Tight Border",
  87. SendPreviewBubble: "Send Preview Bubble",
  88. Prompt: {
  89. Disable: {
  90. Title: "Disable auto-completion",
  91. SubTitle: "Input / to trigger auto-completion",
  92. },
  93. List: "Prompt List",
  94. ListCount: (builtin: number, custom: number) =>
  95. `${builtin} built-in, ${custom} user-defined`,
  96. Edit: "Edit",
  97. },
  98. HistoryCount: {
  99. Title: "Attached Messages Count",
  100. SubTitle: "Number of sent messages attached per request",
  101. },
  102. CompressThreshold: {
  103. Title: "History Compression Threshold",
  104. SubTitle:
  105. "Will compress if uncompressed messages length exceeds the value",
  106. },
  107. Token: {
  108. Title: "API Key",
  109. SubTitle: "Use your key to ignore access code limit",
  110. Placeholder: "OpenAI API Key",
  111. },
  112. Usage: {
  113. Title: "Account Balance",
  114. SubTitle(used: any, total: any) {
  115. return `Used this month $${used}, subscription $${total}`;
  116. },
  117. IsChecking: "Checking...",
  118. Check: "Check Again",
  119. NoAccess: "Enter API Key to check balance",
  120. },
  121. AccessCode: {
  122. Title: "Access Code",
  123. SubTitle: "Access control enabled",
  124. Placeholder: "Need Access Code",
  125. },
  126. Model: "Model",
  127. Temperature: {
  128. Title: "Temperature",
  129. SubTitle: "A larger value makes the more random output",
  130. },
  131. MaxTokens: {
  132. Title: "Max Tokens",
  133. SubTitle: "Maximum length of input tokens and generated tokens",
  134. },
  135. PresencePenlty: {
  136. Title: "Presence Penalty",
  137. SubTitle:
  138. "A larger value increases the likelihood to talk about new topics",
  139. },
  140. },
  141. Store: {
  142. DefaultTopic: "New Conversation",
  143. BotHello: "Hello! How can I assist you today?",
  144. Error: "Something went wrong, please try again later.",
  145. Prompt: {
  146. History: (content: string) =>
  147. "This is a summary of the chat history between the AI and the user as a recap: " +
  148. content,
  149. Topic:
  150. "Please generate a four to five word title summarizing our conversation without any lead-in, punctuation, quotation marks, periods, symbols, or additional text. Remove enclosing quotation marks.",
  151. Summarize:
  152. "Summarize our discussion briefly in 200 words or less to use as a prompt for future context.",
  153. },
  154. ConfirmClearAll: "Confirm to clear all chat and setting data?",
  155. },
  156. Copy: {
  157. Success: "Copied to clipboard",
  158. Failed: "Copy failed, please grant permission to access clipboard",
  159. },
  160. Context: {
  161. Toast: (x: any) => `With ${x} contextual prompts`,
  162. Edit: "Contextual and Memory Prompts",
  163. Add: "Add One",
  164. },
  165. };
  166. export default en;