tw.ts 5.8 KB

  1. import { SubmitKey } from "../store/app";
  2. import type { LocaleType } from "./index";
  3. const tw: LocaleType = {
  4. WIP: "該功能仍在開發中……",
  5. Error: {
  6. Unauthorized: "目前您的狀態是未授權,請前往設定頁面輸入授權碼。",
  7. },
  8. ChatItem: {
  9. ChatItemCount: (count: number) => `${count} 條對話`,
  10. },
  11. Chat: {
  12. SubTitle: (count: number) => `您已經與 ChatGPT 進行了 ${count} 條對話`,
  13. Actions: {
  14. ChatList: "查看消息列表",
  15. CompressedHistory: "查看壓縮後的歷史 Prompt",
  16. Export: "匯出聊天紀錄",
  17. Copy: "複製",
  18. Stop: "停止",
  19. Retry: "重試",
  20. Delete: "刪除",
  21. },
  22. Rename: "重命名對話",
  23. Typing: "正在輸入…",
  24. Input: (submitKey: string) => {
  25. var inputHints = `輸入訊息後,按下 ${submitKey} 鍵即可發送`;
  26. if (submitKey === String(SubmitKey.Enter)) {
  27. inputHints += ",Shift + Enter 鍵換行";
  28. }
  29. return inputHints;
  30. },
  31. Send: "發送",
  32. },
  33. Export: {
  34. Title: "匯出聊天記錄為 Markdown",
  35. Copy: "複製全部",
  36. Download: "下載檔案",
  37. MessageFromYou: "來自你的訊息",
  38. MessageFromChatGPT: "來自 ChatGPT 的訊息",
  39. },
  40. Memory: {
  41. Title: "上下文記憶 Prompt",
  42. EmptyContent: "尚未記憶",
  43. Copy: "複製全部",
  44. Send: "發送記憶",
  45. Reset: "重置對話",
  46. ResetConfirm: "重置後將清空當前對話記錄以及歷史記憶,確認重置?",
  47. },
  48. Home: {
  49. NewChat: "新的對話",
  50. DeleteChat: "確定要刪除選取的對話嗎?",
  51. DeleteToast: "已刪除對話",
  52. Revert: "撤銷",
  53. },
  54. Settings: {
  55. Title: "設定",
  56. SubTitle: "設定選項",
  57. Actions: {
  58. ClearAll: "清除所有數據",
  59. ResetAll: "重置所有設定",
  60. Close: "關閉",
  61. ConfirmResetAll: {
  62. Confirm: "Are you sure you want to reset all configurations?",
  63. },
  64. ConfirmClearAll: {
  65. Confirm: "Are you sure you want to reset all chat?",
  66. },
  67. },
  68. Lang: {
  69. Name: "Language",
  70. Options: {
  71. cn: "简体中文",
  72. en: "English",
  73. tw: "繁體中文",
  74. es: "Español",
  75. it: "Italiano",
  76. tr: "Türkçe",
  77. jp: "日本語",
  78. de: "Deutsch",
  79. },
  80. },
  81. Avatar: "大頭貼",
  82. FontSize: {
  83. Title: "字型大小",
  84. SubTitle: "聊天內容的字型大小",
  85. },
  86. Update: {
  87. Version: (x: string) => `當前版本:${x}`,
  88. IsLatest: "已是最新版本",
  89. CheckUpdate: "檢查更新",
  90. IsChecking: "正在檢查更新...",
  91. FoundUpdate: (x: string) => `發現新版本:${x}`,
  92. GoToUpdate: "前往更新",
  93. },
  94. SendKey: "發送鍵",
  95. Theme: "主題",
  96. TightBorder: "緊湊邊框",
  97. SendPreviewBubble: "發送預覽氣泡",
  98. Prompt: {
  99. Disable: {
  100. Title: "停用提示詞自動補全",
  101. SubTitle: "在輸入框開頭輸入 / 即可觸發自動補全",
  102. },
  103. List: "自定義提示詞列表",
  104. ListCount: (builtin: number, custom: number) =>
  105. `內置 ${builtin} 條,用戶定義 ${custom} 條`,
  106. Edit: "編輯",
  107. Modal: {
  108. Title: "提示詞列表",
  109. Add: "增加一條",
  110. Search: "搜索提示词",
  111. },
  112. },
  113. HistoryCount: {
  114. Title: "附帶歷史訊息數",
  115. SubTitle: "每次請求附帶的歷史訊息數",
  116. },
  117. CompressThreshold: {
  118. Title: "歷史訊息長度壓縮閾值",
  119. SubTitle: "當未壓縮的歷史訊息超過該值時,將進行壓縮",
  120. },
  121. Token: {
  122. Title: "API Key",
  123. SubTitle: "使用自己的 Key 可規避授權訪問限制",
  124. Placeholder: "OpenAI API Key",
  125. },
  126. Usage: {
  127. Title: "帳戶餘額",
  128. SubTitle(used: any, total: any) {
  129. return `本月已使用 $${used},订阅总额 $${total}`;
  130. },
  131. IsChecking: "正在檢查…",
  132. Check: "重新檢查",
  133. NoAccess: "輸入API Key查看餘額",
  134. },
  135. AccessCode: {
  136. Title: "授權碼",
  137. SubTitle: "現在是未授權訪問狀態",
  138. Placeholder: "請輸入授權碼",
  139. },
  140. Model: "模型 (model)",
  141. Temperature: {
  142. Title: "隨機性 (temperature)",
  143. SubTitle: "值越大,回復越隨機",
  144. },
  145. MaxTokens: {
  146. Title: "單次回復限制 (max_tokens)",
  147. SubTitle: "單次交互所用的最大 Token 數",
  148. },
  149. PresencePenlty: {
  150. Title: "話題新穎度 (presence_penalty)",
  151. SubTitle: "值越大,越有可能擴展到新話題",
  152. },
  153. },
  154. Store: {
  155. DefaultTopic: "新的對話",
  156. BotHello: "請問需要我的協助嗎?",
  157. Error: "出錯了,請稍後再嘗試",
  158. Prompt: {
  159. History: (content: string) =>
  160. "這是 AI 與用戶的歷史聊天總結,作為前情提要:" + content,
  161. Topic:
  162. "Use the language used by the user (e.g. en for english conversation, zh-hant for chinese conversation, etc.) to generate a title (at most 6 words) summarizing our conversation without any lead-in, quotation marks, preamble like 'Title:', direct text copies, single-word replies, quotation marks, translations, or brackets. Remove enclosing quotation marks. The title should make third-party grasp the essence of the conversation in first sight.",
  163. Summarize:
  164. "Use the language used by the user (e.g. en-us for english conversation, zh-hant for chinese conversation, etc.) to summarise the conversation in at most 200 words. The summary will be used as prompt for you to continue the conversation in the future.",
  165. },
  166. ConfirmClearAll: "確認清除所有對話、設定數據?",
  167. },
  168. Copy: {
  169. Success: "已複製到剪貼簿中",
  170. Failed: "複製失敗,請賦予剪貼簿權限",
  171. },
  172. Context: {
  173. Toast: (x: any) => `已設置 ${x} 條前置上下文`,
  174. Edit: "前置上下文和歷史記憶",
  175. Add: "新增壹條",
  176. },
  177. };
  178. export default tw;