@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+import os
+from flask import request, logging, send_file, jsonify
+from werkzeug.datastructures import CombinedMultiDict
+from app import app
+from .resp import success_resp, error_resp
+import numpy as np
+from .req import ReplaceForm, is_empty
+import tools
+import cv2
+from .file import get_upload_file_path, get_output_dir, file_url, get_output_file_path
+log = logging.create_logger(app)
+@app.route("/image/seg", methods=['POST'])
+def seg():
+ if 'fileId' not in request.values:
+ return "请先上传图片!", 500
+ file_id = request.values.get('fileId')
+ file_path = get_upload_file_path(file_id)
+ _, fg, _, path = tools.seg(file_path, get_output_dir())
+ # filename = os.path.relpath(path, OUTPUT_DIR)
+ return jsonify(success_resp({
+ "fileId": file_id,
+ "url": file_url(path, True)
+ }))
+@app.route("/image/replace", methods=["POST"])
+def replace():
+ form_data = request.form
+ form = ReplaceForm(form_data)
+ if form.validate() is False:
+ return jsonify(error_resp("参数错误!"))
+ if is_empty(form.bg_file_id.data) and is_empty(form.background.data):
+ return jsonify(error_resp("请选择需要替换的背景!"))
+ img_path = get_upload_file_path(form.file_id.data)
+ bg_path = get_upload_file_path(form.bg_file_id.data)
+ if os.path.exists(bg_path) is False:
+ bg_path = form.background.data
+ result = tools.replace(img_path=img_path, background=bg_path, save_dir=get_output_dir())
+ return jsonify({
+ "fileId": form.file_id.data,
+ "url": file_url(result, True)
+ })
+@app.route("/image/resize", methods=["POST", 'GET'])
+def resize():
+ # flip: 翻转, 0 为沿X轴翻转,正数为沿Y轴翻转,负数为同时沿X轴和Y轴翻转
+ # reset: 是否重头开始,否则从上一次的处理开始,默认为重头开始
+ # resize: 重新设定尺寸
+ # rect: 裁剪,left,top,right,bottom 四个参数
+ reset = request.values.get("reset")
+ file_id = request.values.get("fileId")
+ width = request.values.get("width")
+ height = request.values.get("height")
+ rotate = request.values.get("rotate")
+ flip = request.values.get("flip")
+ rect = request.values.get('rect')
+ if is_empty(reset):
+ reset = True
+ else:
+ reset = False
+ file_path = get_upload_file_path(file_id)
+ if os.path.exists(file_path) is not True:
+ return "文件上传失败,请重新上传!", 400
+ out_file = get_output_file_path(file_id, "resize")
+ if reset is False and os.path.exists(out_file):
+ img = cv2.imread(out_file)
+ else:
+ img = cv2.imread(file_path)
+ origin_h = img.shape[0]
+ origin_w = img.shape[1]
+ img = crop(img, rect, origin_w, origin_h)
+ change_size = True
+ if is_empty(width) and is_empty(height):
+ change_size = False
+ w = origin_w
+ h = origin_h
+ elif is_empty(width):
+ h = int(height)
+ w = round(h * origin_w / origin_h)
+ elif is_empty(height):
+ w = int(width)
+ h = round(w * origin_h / origin_w)
+ else:
+ w = int(width)
+ h = int(height)
+ dst = img
+ if change_size:
+ dst = cv2.resize(img, (w, h))
+ if is_empty(flip) is not True:
+ flip = int(flip)
+ dst = cv2.flip(dst, flip)
+ if is_empty(rotate) is False:
+ dst = rot_degree(dst, float(rotate), w=w, h=h)
+ if dst is not None:
+ cv2.imwrite(out_file, dst)
+ return send_file(out_file, mimetype="image/png")
+ return send_file(file_path, mimetype="image/png")
+def crop(img, rect: str, w, h):
+ # 裁剪
+ if is_empty(rect):
+ return img
+ r = rect.split(',')
+ if len(r) != 4:
+ return img
+ left = int(r[0])
+ top = int(r[1])
+ right = int(r[2])
+ bottom = int(r[3])
+ if left < 0:
+ left = 0
+ if right > w:
+ right = w
+ if top < 0:
+ top = 0
+ if bottom > h:
+ bottom = h
+ if left == 0 and top == 0 and right == w and bottom == h:
+ return img
+ return img[top:bottom, left:right]
+def rot_degree(img, degree, w, h):
+ center = (w / 2, h / 2)
+ M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, degree, 1)
+ top_right = np.array((w - 1, 0)) - np.array(center)
+ bottom_right = np.array((w - 1, h - 1)) - np.array(center)
+ top_right_after_rot = M[0:2, 0:2].dot(top_right)
+ bottom_right_after_rot = M[0:2, 0:2].dot(bottom_right)
+ new_width = max(int(abs(bottom_right_after_rot[0] * 2) + 0.5), int(abs(top_right_after_rot[0] * 2) + 0.5))
+ new_height = max(int(abs(top_right_after_rot[1] * 2) + 0.5), int(abs(bottom_right_after_rot[1] * 2) + 0.5))
+ offset_x = (new_width - w) / 2
+ offset_y = (new_height - h) / 2
+ M[0, 2] += offset_x
+ M[1, 2] += offset_y
+ dst = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (new_width, new_height))
+ return dst